Thursday, November 11, 2010

First Time Blogging

So I thought I would try blogging to keep my friends and family updated on our family.
So if your wondering why I chose Our Taco Baby as the title of this blog. Well, during this pregnancy I have loved tacos. We have made many stops to Taco Bell. Luckly Todd is a huge fan of Taco Bell, so it makes both of us happy (or should I say all three of us).
I will be 18 weeks on Saturday and this past week I have started to feel the baby move more. It is a neat feeling. We find out in about 2 weeks what sex the baby is. We are excited to find out so we can start our registry.
So far I have had 2 dreams that it is a boy, though many people think it is a girl. I am happy and excited no matter what!
Well, that's all for now. 

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